Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Making Future Plans

I had previously said in my post about being a SAHM (Becoming a Stay At Home Mum) that it wasn't going to be forever. This year would of been 13 years since I qualified as an aromatherapist, followed by my other qualifications up to my BTEC in Make Up Artistry. I had invested hundreds of pounds in my training and I feel that I am wasting those years of training away. Trying to find work that also fits around looking after Beth is so rare it could be classed as gold dust.

This brings me round to what I am currently putting research in and require your help. I am planning to start a aromatherapy based beauty and massage company. To find if I am along the right lines with my thinking I am asking anyone and everyone with a few minutes to spend to help me by filling in a questionnaire.

Follow the link to the form here

As Yet I am still in the early stages of planning and researching but am excited. I briefly ran my own company a few years back (it was also ones of reasons I started the blog), but that was closed down last year after it wasn't successful, it was a great learning experience and this time I am using all the lessons I've taken and applying them for this.

Thank you to everyone who's taking the time to fill it in, and hopefully in the next few months I can give you some great news.


  1. Filled it in - hope everything goes well!

    Laura | Laurzrah xx

  2. Have you tried an at home aromatherapy/massage palor where you can do makeup ect booking can be taken at times that suit you and you could offer an online shop for goods and add on sales

    1. This has been a consideration, my biggest stumbling block is that I would be renting the space and due to childcare costs can only be able to do evenings or weekends. This was also the reason I left my previous job as it ate all my money covering sitters. The online store I've done before but buying/selling and that wasn't as successful, I was thinking of more using something like Etsy this time. Thank you for the ideas. x

  3. Completed the questionnaire. :) sounds really interesting what you are trying to set up. X


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