Monday, 16 December 2013

How commenting has rattled me

The other day I got a notification of a comment (this reduces the spam), this made me really happy because I love comments/feedback from people. It was the main reasons I started a blog to share opinions with like minded people.

So why am I mentioning said comment? Because it only contained 4 letters - "good". My inital reaction was, "Urmm, thanks?" Not even a mention on what was good, I still published it just for the sheer hell of it.

It has however got me rattled over the past few days. This is my hobby but I do spend hours on it - researching so my facts are straight, photographing, editing etc. I must admit I took a step back because it knocked me - am I really just "good"?

I know there are now thousands upon thousands of bloggers out there, fighting for the same scraps. Any little snippet I get I am amazingly thankful for. I try to use the knowledge and experiance I have to help at least one person.

I also try and comment on other peoples blogs but I try to be constructive with feedback rather than, "I like blog/entry". I think the saying, "If you haven't got anything nice, then say nothing at all", applies here.

We are all writters surely we can come up with something more original than "good"?


  1. What a terrible comment to leave on someone's blog. Makes you think whether they even read the blog post at all which can be frustrating too! No mega sad please! :)

    Frankie x

    1. Well at the time it was a mega sad, my mood has improved honest :) x

  2. I can see where you are coming from with this post! If that happened to me I probably would have had the same reaction (: comments are basically the only affirmation from our readers that we get as bloggers to know that what we are saying is worth reading or relavant. So for someone to give a one word comment, is not bad of course, just a little disappointing

    1. That is the best word on reflection - disappointed.

  3. When something like that happens, just brush it off.

    The reader's first language may be something other than English.

    It might have been a spammer attempting to see how they could plant black-hat spam on your blog. (Kind of an idiot, because - duh - this is a blogspot blog, plenty of info available about those...)

    They may have been on a mobile phone, and hit return too fast (or had to wrap it up because the bus was coming to their stop.)

    There are lots of reasons for people to leave such a brief comment, and they've got nothing to do with you or the quality of your blog.

    1. Thank you for a balanced view, I actually waited a few days before posting this to simmer down a bit (and let my hormones settle). They are all valid reasons on why I could of got one word answer, being guilty of sending publish before I finished.

  4. Good.

    ... I kid, I kid. I think all of us get comments like that, or just "nice post" and things like that. It's a bit disheartening, but you've got to remember that a lot of people who visit your site never ever comment... I know it feels nicer when they do, but at least someone is likely getting value out of your hard work even if they don't say so.

    1. Waahhhh! I know looking at stats there are people who return and read often (as well as spam bots - Hello!), it was just dishearting at the time that is all.

  5. I have to admit, as a blogger with only 36 followers, it does make me lose the will to even try posting anymore when people leave half arsed comments such as those. It makes me feel that what i'm saying isn't worth an expansion of discussion or constructive criticism to determine whether the content is good or bad. Call me bitchy, but I think if you're going to comment on someone's post, which they've spent a long time on, don't waste their time with crappy one word answers or useless unconstructive commentary!

    Disappointing. :(

    1. I know that being a small following blogger its even more heartbreaking, you put your heart and soul into it like a hamster on a wheel. That's all I wanted was something constructive because its taken into account when I plan what to blog about.

  6. I'm glad you posted this because I think so many of us can relate. I hate when people comment but it's obvious they haven't actually read the post.. Like if you've reviewed something and said 'I HATE THIS' and they comment and be like 'oh my god I must go buy this it sounds amazing' ummm what? Haha I think it's just one of those things we've got to accept - as annoying as it is though! Don't worry we all know how you feel!

    Sarah | More Than Adored

    1. Thanks for the support, I would like to know why they would/wouldn't buy it because I am just really nosy!

  7. If I get a comment through that doesn't appear to be written by an actual human then I'll delete it. I'm on Wordpress and I have a spam filter to but I do get the odd comment come through that has nothing to do with the post it is commenting on or just random waffle. I think that is just the nature of blogging. I've also had those 'this is great' comments too and I just say thanks.

    I'm also a good three weeks behind in my blog reading so when I comment it's rarely on a new post. I don't have time to read blogs everyday, I just do it when I can otherwise it doesn't become enjoyable.

    1. The spam filter on Blogger is a joke as well, I still get them come through to my main box. I know its part and parcel of blogging, you have to take the rough with the smooth. I do the same with reading, i save them for when I'm on my main computer so I can reply to them with little spelling mistakes (touch screens and I don't mix that well!)

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Is it just me who is reminded of teachers at school who do the 'flick and tick' marking approach then write 'good' at the bottom of a piece of work to make out like they've read it? It's crazy that people go to the effort of finding a blog, logging in to write a comment and then just not engaging! When I comment on posts, I try to really engage with the topic, if anything because if I've taken the time to read a post and I have an opinion, I like to share and carefully structure my point, especially if I don't agree!

    1. I haven't heard "flick and tick" in years! It was disappointing to think that this person did all of that to leave 4 letters. I like to comment on posts, but with something more than a few words (the hows, whats etc.). The whole point I got into blogging was to share well constructed arguments and opinions, I still share that to this day.

  10. You're a great commenter! I am always happy to see your comments. It does seem unfair to be so half-hearted in praise, but I think now there are so many more communication channels there are generally less comments.. I certainly find that. In some ways, I think that's not a bad means that people are comfortable reading what you have to say but don't necessarily feel they have to contribute anything back.. and that's kind of the ultimate reader-focussed post! If they were commenting negatively or not reading, then I'd worry.. but not before. People just don't comment as much as they used to.

  11. You're a great commenter.. I'm always so pleased when you leave me a comment so I do understand. But in general, people are commenting less on posts. In one way it's a good thing, it means that readers are comfortable reading what you have to say without feeling there is a need to reply or respond.. the ultimate reader-focussed post, in other words. As long as people are still reading I really wouldn't take it to heart - there are so many communication channels now that we all feel that dilution. But, it's a good opportunity for me to say thank you for your comments on my blog.. always really appreciated :-)).

    1. Thank you Jane from someone I do respect and have affection for this means a lot to me. Commenting is not what it used to be, even in my short time. I do agree that these is now so much social media that you constantly panic has it been added to my twitter, facebook etc. feed. I am just as guilty to retweeting/sharing without commenting, and when others do it for me I do appreciate it. At the end of the day I am thankful for the people who do hang around and read the ramblings of a mad woman.


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