I do not know who was more excited about Christmas, Bethany or I. She actually slept her way through until the morning without waking, to her it was a normal start, a bit of warm porridge, followed by CBeebies and a bit of Mum's croissant. We had agreed that we want to open at least one present as a family before heading towards my parents. We had got her a stocking with her name on and let her grab the one she wanted to open, she was nervous at first because when she normally shreds paper - we tell her off!
We soon headed to my family (minus brother who was dying of flu) and opened presents there, as predicted Bethany rather wanted to play with the mounds of wrapping paper than any of her presents! A quick cup of tea and we left them to go back home and have Christmas lunch with the in-laws, then it was more presents. We still had the rest of ours to open as well as other relatives and close family. 2 hours later and we were finally done! Hubby and I was exhausted, and thankfully around 9pm so was Beth.
Hubby had the rest of the week and a bit off so we have been enjoying some family time together, with Beth and essentially without her. We done some clearing and I've even managed to grab some lie ins while Hubby has some Daddy/daughter time. For New Year we stayed at home, I put my feet up and saw the New Year in with a couple of beers before bed around 1.30am.
It has been a good time, and it's given some time for both of us to think about what we want to gain out of the next year. There are things that will be changing because without change we cannot grow. We have already started the celebrations of Bethany's 1st birthday over the weekend by treating grandparents and great grandparents as a thank you for all their support in her first year. She had chocolate for the first time, a bit of cake and lots of attention.
This past year has gone in a flash and it was different to how I planned. It was good having time away from blogging as I did miss it and was not as stressed thinking that I hadn't blogged anything. I was at the point of stopping it all as it was adding stress rather than being my stress reliever. I finally feel that my life is a little more on track rather than hurtling along at a rate of knots. I do not usually make resolutions as I never stick to them but there are changes I would like to make:
Stop being stuck to my mobile - Yes, it's great for capturing moments with Beth, but it's time i start living them.
Turn off the TV - Because playtime is much more fun!
Get my drivers license - I did fail my theory on 29th by one point, gutted, but it's been re booked and I WILL PASS!
Spent more time with Hubby (without Beth) - We are planning one night a month to dress up and go out together to let off some steam.
These are the most important to me, I've already seen a change as we have start to make changes before New Year. After the downs of last year, I do feel that 2015 is going to be a vintage year.