Thursday, 4 September 2014

When Viruses Attack

The past few days have been long, full of tests and worrying. My poor baby has been sick with a severe infection and at one point I thought i'd lost them. We are now up to the point where it is on the final test to make sure everything is all clear.

My computer is pulling through.

The other night I decided to float around the interner and download a few things for the blog,I went to a few different websites and downloaded a few templates to add to my site. I did try them but didn't like them and have gone back to the previous ones, logged off for the night and all was fine.

Next afternoon I had a list of jobs to do online, got Bethany amused in front of me and settled down with a cuppa. Opened my browser and I know my google homepage was different, no problem ran an antivirus and it found nothing, but still it remains. Anti installed the browsers (because I tried more than one and they were all the same) and texted Hubby to ask for his assistance. He asked for £80, I told him if he ever wants dinner/clean shirts/me to be at home when he got home to stop being cheeky. This at the time was me thinking, a few hours and it'll be dealt with.

3 days later, 7 virus/spywear 4/5 hour scans and 1 google account lock out later we are looking like we are back up and running. I never realised how much of my life rolves around my black box, I had a panic attack the first night when my google account was locked and was in tears, not only is that my blog lost but also all my photos of Bethany, thankfully I had activiated all the security so was able to retrieve everything back.

This is a few morals to this tale:
  1. Back up everything regually
  2. Activiate all the security features
  3. Don't download random things off of sites from Twitter. And 
  4. If you unziip a file rescan it as the virus is hiding in it.

1 comment:

  1. It's so horrible when things like this happen, we've had it too. Our computer automatically backs up every night or so - so when it happened with us, we rolled it back to a previous backup and the virus was gone :) Also, I'm not sure what virus scanner you use, but I really cannot recommend Avira enough - it's free and pretty much the best you can get for your computer :) We have ours update and run every night when we're in bed - I'd recommend that too :)


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