Friday, 1 November 2013

Embrace Your Inner Nerd/Geek

I was tagged by the stunning Shona at Freshbeautyxox to supply what fuels my inner nerd. It was interested that this week I was reading on the Daily Mail site how a study was done into what makes you either a geek or a nerd (link here), this caused great discussion with Hubby and I because we fall so easily into both.
So what feeds my inner nerd then (other than beauty of course!)?
Formula One
I am a petrolhead, which is surprising for someone who doesn't have a drivers license. I've watched the sport since the end of the 1995 season but always had a love of cars from a young age (yes I even had my brothers toy cars). For a few years in the early 2000's I even wrote driver and season histories for the now closed F1 History website. I've been to Silverstone 97,98 and 99, Belgium 99 and Le Mans 03 and 04, as well as numerous days out and testing sessions. .
I have watched The Simpsons since it started in 1989, my aunt used to tape them off of cable for me to watch when I went round about 7 years old. Before then I loved all the Looney Tunes, Tom & Jerry, Animanacs and Garfield (I swear there's more I could name). Yes as a grown woman of 31 I love cartoons, it's my guilty pleasure this then leads onto....
I have one shelf completely dedicated to all the Disney Classics on DVD, I also have the list where I keep track of the 50 odd that have been made so I know where the gaps are in my collection. This was always my treat from my mum to take to the cinema in the holidays to see one Disney film. I remember the old theatre just outside our town who would put on the classics like Cinderella on the big screen every holiday. I have listed my favourites on my tumblr page
I had to club this together as well they are typical nerd things to get nerdy over. I was a little into these things for a while and then I met Hubby it has escalated from there (and still learning to this day). Our box sets are a mixture of the above topics. My current obsession is Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire after watching the series I now am trying to rattle through the books. My Hubby also proposed to me dressed as Joker from Batman on my birthday, that's love right there.
This also links with the above, our front room does resemble a GAME store, between us we have - two desktop computers, two tablets, 360, PS3, Wii, black and white Gameboy, PSP and some other ones that we've probably forgotten about. Favourite games - The Sims, SimCity, Skyrim and Assassin Creed series (and yes currently working through Black Flag and loving being a pirate!).
I am sure there are many more things that I am nerdy about but I think these are the main things I get excited about.
So what feeds your inner nerd?

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